Ally Godsey's "Awareness Essay": Learning During a Global Pandemic

Going into my freshman year, I could have never imagined something like this occurring. I felt like I had finally adjusted to college but then it was all stripped away. My entire life, I have suffered from an anxiety disorder. As the situation developed, I quickly realized this was one of my worst nightmares. When the COVID-19 pandemic started, I had just begun watching The Walking Dead. For those of you who are unfamiliar, The Walking Dead is a show where a disease spreads and everyone becomes zombies. I was sure COVID-19 was the start of a zombie apocalypse. When my parents caught COVID, I was prepared to be eaten but in reality, I just saw a lot of coughing, crying, and drove to a lot of doctor's appointments. As a result, I also assumed responsibility over my pre-teen sister, teenage brother, and a four-month-old puppy. My life has always revolved around school and school has always been my top priority; now, as I currently sit and watch my Mom have her 8th coughing fit of the day, struggling to breathe, I cannot wait until test grades are my number one concern again.

As horrible as my current situation is, it is not unique. Sadly, many other college students are dealing with the same or more severe situations. Schoolwork has been increasingly difficult to complete, especially when I have to rely on others to get it done. With both of my parents being sick, I have to make the most of the time I do have. I do most of my work when my parents are asleep, the puppy has just been walked, and my sister no longer needs help with her math assignments. I don't have enough time to wait to do work. Group assignments are nearly impossible. I have had group projects in every class. Having to leave a zoom meeting 6 times to check on your parents, set up their nebulizer, and take the dog out is embarrassing. Without group projects, and constantly having to rely on others to get my work done, schoolwork would be a lot easier to manage. I am good at managing my own time but often suffer because others are not good at managing theirs. I get up at around 7 and try to be done my work for the day by 3. That way I can help my family for the remainder of the night.

The world needs compassion at this time. Professors could do their part by cutting down on assignments, exams, and group projects. Busy work is not necessary when circumstances have changed drastically. My mother has now had COVID-19 for 4 weeks and she is only in the early stages of recovery. If learning at home continues next semester, all I can hope for is that my family is in good health. At this point, nothing else matters. I hope that when I look back on this essay, this is all just a distant memory and that the world has gone back to normal. For now, I cannot focus on the future. To stay sane, I have to continue to take it one day at a time and do the best I can do with my current circumstances. I would not wish this on my worst enemy. However, this process has helped me to realize what is really important in life; family, friends, and maintaining good mental health.

Last modified: 10 May 2020